Friday, September 11, 2009


Lets wait and see.
sooner or later, i will want to LAUGH OUT LOUD AT YOU!
its the beginning of your nightmare!

thank you for being with me all this while.
ure no better than i thought you were:)
silly girl eh you. haha!
there are somethings that you still do not understand.well, i will tell you chapter by chapter. you asked me, who is the best looking one. my answer is M. you asked me, who has the best character. my answer is N. seriously, maybe you shld consider him girl. in terms of his character wise, and from what i see, he really do treat you super good! even if he get scolded by others becos of you, he dun care. that really proves his love for you:)
as for me, i'm in the midst of confusion. i still do not know which is which, what is what. ure much luckier than me girl.

To yaobin:
haha, ure pulling my leg right? its no joke.
ure still my friend. it wun changed:)
i like you as my friend:D and i hope you do as well.